Ouch! Ouch! Brian Beattie!
This blog will seem very vague to some if you didn’t attend Freedom House on Sunday. Let me just say that our pastor brought a word about Kingdom finances…Need I say more? You know that means he talked about tithes and offerings, about being generous on all occasions, on being good stewards of what God’s given us.
These messages ‘ouch’ for different reasons. If you’re stingy then they totally offend you. If you you’re in financial trouble they remind you you’ve been a poor steward. Tithing is a good rabbit trail subject that leads back to…well tithing. I’ve never created so many excuses and justifiable reasons not to do what is right than when it comes to tithing. And if you think that tithing is old fashion, then new fashion dictates you give it all, so…
Where do I fall in all this? For the most part I love giving. It thrills me! Tithes! Offerings! Gifts!
Then sometimes money feels like a huge rock pinning you to the ground. When you hear a message on giving it just feels like added weight. Circumstances, poor stewardship whatever the reason for the big rock, it makes it really hard to give. I get it, I do! What I’ve come to realize is that this, especially, is not the time to hold tightly…this is a “give or die” situation. If I don’t take this stewardship stuff seriously, if I don’t get some good seed scattered out there there’s really no way I’m getting up from under this weight…Sowing and reaping is a law of the kingdom wether we believe it or not.