I’m the type of person who listens to a song and can’t hear anything but the lyrics. If I agree with the lyrics I’ll enjoy the music.
I’ve heard Brian Beattie say something to the effect of , “We are a generation who knows what their words are worth”. The bible says that words bring life or death. We’ve all felt the heartache of harsh words and the pleasure of kind words.
I just saw the movie “Inception”in the theatre. The idea is that a company was hired to plant an idea into someone’s dream and have the idea become their own to live out in reality. You don’t have to enter someone’s dreams to plant an idea in their head. From the time my children were young I’ve told them that God is the creator of all things, that he loved us so much and even though we didn’t deserve it he sent Jesus to die for us, that he lives in their hearts, He hears their prayers and will answer them and that his words are the ultimate truth. I’ve told them that I love them, that God has a plan for them, that they are valuable and they should guard themselves. After all that is said I try to be a good example and expect them to live according to the words they’ve been taught. They have not yet learned that the secular world preaches a message contrary to everything I’ve just told them...and that people behave accordingly.
If you asked my girls a question about their value as a person or about their God, they would answer you with the ideas I have planted and their own growing relationship with God. The Word says, “Above all guard you heart for it is the wellsping of life.” And “Out of the overflow of our heart our mouth speaks”. It is so important to guard what we know to be true and teach our children to do the same. Either words have worth or they don’t. Either they bring life or death or they don’t. I believe that words are weighty. They become ideas that shape our lives and our actions! We can’t plant bad seed and hope for a crop failure. You can’t listen to crap and hope a daisy pops out. Crap is crap and daisies are daisies.
Think of the songs you've been listening to lately. What if I started singing those songs to my girls. What kind of things, would they start to believe about God , themselves and others?
I’m not rising up “against” secular music, what I’m trying to say is that I am “for” truth and I am “for” guarding ourselves from the ideas of the music that goes against the truth; these ideas that go on to shape our thoughts and then our actions, our belief system. We are a generation who knows what words are worth. The media gets it, they know what their words are worth. You need to know what your words are worth and speak the truth, but don’t just speak it, live and breath it.